Dating Tips for Men

1. Speak your passions
More than anything else, pushing a conversation topic in the direction of your own passion is the best way to keep a conversation going. Instead of thinking too much about trying to maintain the conversation, by talking about your own passions you can just begin to have fun and show your excitement about the topic at hand. This will not only show your own intelligence – since you’re talking about your passion, you’ll automatically know about it – but also give the woman a glimpse into your own emotion and excitement. Women are always looking for this in a man.

Find out where she lives.
This step seems obvious, but you'd be surprised how often it is unintentionally left out. When you know where a woman lives, you can plan ahead to deal with the logistical problems you're going to hit later.

Important tips to remember
Look your best. Get some decent clothes and shoes. Women always look at your shoes, even if you last checked your Nikes in 1996
Sort out your hygiene and styling. Go down to the barbers and clean up your hair, getting it styled if possible
Be in the know. Make sure you are up to date with current affairs, watch the news and read quality papers