Virtual Dating

Virtual dating combines online dating with avatar-based virtual world exploration.
Virtual dating involves the use of avatars for people to interact in a virtual venue
that resembles a real life dating environment. For example, individuals can meet
and chat in a romantic virtual cafe in Paris or on a Caribbean resort and can
benefit from inworld quizzes and relationship questionnaires that help probe
the other's personality and compatibility.

A Time Magazine article entitled "Internet Dating 2.0" was published on January 19, 2007 citing current
and upcoming technologies and explains how people can now connect in a virtual dating environment.
Time describes how websites are allowing people to meet for an avatar based,
graphically enabled virtual date without leaving their homes.

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  1. hey , mukesh good to see u on blogger
    Nice blog

  2. what a nice blog
    especially based on unforgettable relationship
    which is called "love"...
